The Beauty of IPL


What is IPL for?

Some less advanced IPL systems can only be used on a few skin types but SkinBase IPL has been clinically proven to work on almost all skin types except very dark skin. The SkinBase IPL system allows us to fine tune the settings to suit specific skin and hair combinations and obtain the best results possible.

Is it painful?

The use of a special cryo-cooling handset to ‘numb’ the skin ensures SkinBase IPL is a painless treatment. Some people compare the feeling to being flicked by an elastic band.

How does it get rid of unwanted hair?

During treatment, the pulsed light from the handset is absorbed by the colour in the hair where it heats up damaging the follicle and preventing the regrowth of the hair. To be permanent the hair needs to be in the ‘anagen’ phase of hair growth. Only about a 1/3 of the hairs will be at this stage at any one time so a course of treatments is required.

How many treatments does it take?

For permanent results hair needs to be in the ‘anagen’ growth phase. This means typically a course of 6-10 treatments will be needed to see the best results as only about 1/3 of hairs are in this phase at once.

Facial hair is affected by hormonal imbalances and so we advise 10-12 treatments may be required. Any hair regrowth you do have will be softer and finer than before. You will notice a reduction in the amount of hair regrowth after each treatment. No IPL or Laser system will ever achieve 100% permanent results.

Will I be suitable for treatment?

Get in contact with us and we can book you in for a full consultation where we check that there aren’t any reasons you can’t have IPL and let you know what is involved and how many treatments we recommend.


The Collagen Lift Effect


What is CACI?