Ageing Skin


What is it?

There are many factors involved with the ageing process of our skin both internal and external. Whilst genetics do play a key roll in how skin ages please do not go blaming and falling out with your family members over it, all is not lost, there are many things that you can do to help reduce the signs of ageing!

From around the age of 25 the first signs of ageing can become apparent on the surface of the skin; you may notice fine lines and a loss of moisture. As time progresses wrinkles, sagging skin and a loss of volume and elasticity become more apparent, wrinkles become deeper, and the skin loses elasticity and becomes less firm.

Small fines lines and wrinkles also known as crows feet or laughter lines found around the eyes typically appear in your 20’s or 30’s followed by frown lines these are known as dynamic wrinkles as they are only or more visible when the skin moves with facial expressions, over time these become more prominent and evolve into permanent wrinkles.

We recommend our CACI Eye Revive treatment.

Dark circles can appear under the eyes resulting in a loss of natural glow.

A loss of volume can be detected from our mid 30’s when our facial features/contours become less defined due to sagging skin. Obvious signs of this can be a loss of volume in the cheeks and thinning lips resulting in wrinkles which can result in the dreaded bleeding of our favourite lip stick as the corners of the mouth start to point downwards often making people look sad when they are not smiling. The jawline is less defined and the skin on the neck can sag leaving a crepe appearance, often referred to as turkey neck.

We recommend the CACI Jowl Lift or the CACI Signature or Advanced Facial.

Our skin is constantly renewing cells, the new skin cells are produced in the deepest layers of the epidermis.

Our skin is made up of multiple layers, the epidermal layers are the outermost layers, they protect our bodies from external toxins and bacteria whilst acting a s a barrier to keep moisture in. New cells are continuously being produced and over time they make their way to the skins surface where they die and are shed off.

As we age this process slows down as does the production of sebum and hyaluronic acid which are vital for the skins ability to retain moisture. The skin then becomes drier and rougher resulting in the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles with the loss of skin radiance.

Over time the epidermis becomes more sensitive to the sun’s rays and is less efficient at healing itself. This is why it is vital to wear a good SPF at all times.

We recommend Forever Sun Protection.

Internal & External Factors of Ageing

Internal Factors

These include hormonal influences caused by a decrease in levels of oestrogen (an instruction giving hormone) resulting in reduced messaging between cells causing cell production to slow down.

A poorer blood supply to the skin means the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skins surface is impeded. However all is not lost as the CACI SYNERGY FACIALS increase the blood circulation helping to regain the skins radiance and brightens a dull complexion.

We recommend CACI Synergy Facials.

External Factors

Sun – the suns rays are the primary external cause of ageing via oxidative stress. Skin damage caused by the sun is known as photo-ageing and uneven pigmentation is often one of the first visible signs of ageing to appear.

Pollution – Exposure to air pollution can trigger the release of skin damaging free radicals. Pollution also worsens the effects of sun exposure, further accelerating oxidative stress. 

Smoking – the chemicals and nicotine contained in cigarettes increase the numbers of free radicals in the skin. Like pollution, they also intensify the effects of sun exposure.

Nutrition – Antioxidants are molecules with the ability to neutralise the free radicals that damage skin and speed up skin ageing. Eating a diet full of antioxidant-rich foods is an important part of caring for our skin.

Inappropriate skincare - skin will age more quickly if it is poorly cared for or if you use products that irritate your skin. Thorough cleansing using gentle products that are suitable for your skin type, together with regular application of products targeted at your skins primary concern will help to care for your skin.


A holistic approach to our health is always advantageous. Looking at both internal and external factors and how we can improve on these.

Lifestyle and sleep – maintain an active lifestyle and limiting your exposure to pollution helps to minimise the oxidative stress your skin is subjected to. High quality sleep is particularly important in allowing your body to recover and repair.

Nutrition – a balanced, healthy diet, rich in fruits and vegetables of various colours will ensure an intake of antioxidants that can help to limit the damaging effects of free radicals on the skin.

Some foods are known to be high in antioxidants and might even have a skin protecting effect. Leafy green vegetables, orange, red and yellow fruit and veg including carrots, peppers and apricots, tomatoes, oily fish, and nuts are all good sources. 

Smoking – stopping smoking will significantly reduce the number of free radicals you expose your skin to. As well as improving your physical fitness.

Sunglasses – to not only protect your eyes but stops you squinting and causing lines.

Skin care – A good skin care routine is an essential part of a holistic approach to treating all signs of ageing. However, as your skin changes overtime, the way you care for it should also reflect its changing needs, be it by targeting fine lines for younger skin or boosting elasticity for mature skin. Daily skin care can ensure your skin stays healthy and in good condition. Cleanse, tone, treat and protect (SPF).

Book an appointment

If you have any questions about CACI treatments or wish to book a course, the please do get in touch below.


Knowing Your Skin Type